So I'm bored. I have nothing worth my time to do. And I have to go to college. Great. Therefore, I decided to blog my day to share my boredom. Enjoy.
7:57am: At a bus stop.
Number of buses missed: 1 (Good, it's normally a lot more)
Can't see much, may fish glasses out of bag later. Aware that I look like a tortoise (with my rucksack on) who is blindly staring into the traffic awaiting a bus. Slight blue tinge on hands... Hurry up bus!
8:04am: Sat on a bus opposite a stranger.
Seriously, when you are that old with a beard (gesturing at person sat opposite) you do not wear full headphone sets. Unless that's what qualifies for 'cool' now, but how would I know I, I'm to preoccupied in the more important things in life. This includes realising that this bus' indicators sound like the beeping a heart monitor makes during cardiac arrest; poor bus, it's all this weight it has to carry everyday....
8:14am: On another bus.
Minor bus crash: RIP 225 Windshield |
Smith is sat next to me there --->
He's rambling on and making faces... Perfectly normal.
Bus driver was too busy whistling and has just rammed our bus into the 225, one of it's windshields has been knocked clean off... Attempting not to laugh. His attempts at whistling were futile; this was karma.
Rest of journey commenced with an agitated driver shooting us evils- we did try not to laugh...
8:54am: Form.
Number of teachers having a row about the new boards: 3
New interactive board shoving the old whiteboard/blackboard out of the way, making way for the future! It's really not that impressive...
Subject of much conversation= the spontaneous gas leak that has allowed half the school to be off. Oh well, at least I'm missing biology this morning due to Kirk's random absence. He's probably busy dictating somewhere...
Shit, turns out I am in biology. Kirk decides to turn up all smiley faced and cross the homework out on the door that had been set because he supposedly wasn't in. Fighting the urge not to glare at him and shoot evils. If looks could kill.
And there's the bell.
9:15am: Waiting for Biology to start, Kirk's nattering to Burke.
Picture was taken under table to
avoid dodgy looks. |
10:00am: Physics.
That Biology lesson dragged. Kirk just loves firing questions at everyone. It is so fun to be told to randomly dictate how a worm breathes. I felt like rambling on and on and on...
Now doing SUVAT equations. Such fun. Have taken to writing rude words on my calculator. Calculator is lacking in essential letters to make more interesting words. I think the manufacturers thought about this whilst designing a calculator aimed at standard students... I'm not pleased.
1:08pm: Dinner.
Amount of times I've nearly fallen asleep: Too many.
Just had Maths in which we did no maths. The reason being that the teacher was far too occupied in a mental arithmetic game instead of starting the Stats unit...
He was like a dog on crack...
Anywho, now eating a Kit Kat.
I like Kit Kats but would prefer if they didn't have biscuit in them.
The Walls. |
Surrounded by people saying some dodgy stuff....
Like dodgy as in 'WTF what is wrong with you people'
May have to hijack people's phones for entertainment. I'd send ransom notes but they normally get their phones back in the first minute... I'm scared of physical combat. Not that I don't want to be hurt, I just don't want to end up liking to hit and then keep hitting and hitting...
Sophie's over there --->
<--- Alanah, Vickie and Alex there.
If inanimate objects could kill, I think these walls would kill me. They stare a lot... Quite intimidating actually. I usually like green. Though, quite frankly, I'd prefer to stare at these walls than go and do a Chemistry test... *sigh*
3:30pm: On the bus home, finally.
And there is a typical boring day at college, where little work gets done. :)