Tuesday, 3 January 2012

You got yourself into the mess, get yourself out

I have absolutely no sympathy for the women who are criticising the government for not paying  for the removal of potential harmful breast implants. These French PIP implants are made for industrial silicon, which is not of medical grade. The implants have been found to be prone to rupturing with a one in 10 chance that they will rupture, causing health implications.

But why should the NHS be held responsible and thus have to spend money on rectifying a problem caused through private clinics?

These women chose personally to go to a private clinic and have breast implants. Nobody forced them! As part of consenting to this surgery, they would have had to have been knowledgeable that the surgery carried risks. All surgery carries risks. As a consequence to wanting to 'better their image' (probably failing) 40,000 women got themselves into a mess with dodgy implants. I think that all women who have received implants in the last decade should be allowed to see their medical records to see whether they have had the PIP implants or not. If they have had them, they should get themselves out of their own mess through private clinics. The NHS has better things to do with money rather than help women who's top priority in life are their breasts. 40,000 women could afford breast transplants; 40,000 women can therefore afford to remove them.

Here's a kitty to lighten the mood.


  1. I suppose it should probably be PIP who pays for any removals, since it's the company that's mislead the clinics as well as the recipients of the implants. Still, I think there's something wrong with people who feel it necessary to go under the knife in pursuit of 'beauty'. Makes you wonder if they're trying to make up for something they lack, ehem... intelligence... Oh no, now I'm stereotyping D:

    And the cat is great!

  2. Yeah I agree PIP should suffer the most financial loss, I don't mind if 'beauty pursuers' lose money as long as the NHS is not also losing money :P Lol at stereotyping xD And Thank you :D
